How does hot tea affect the health of the body?
Most people drink tea hot. This allows you to warm and invigorate, feeling the scalding liquid flow down the esophagus. But scientists were able to establish that boiling water can damage epithelial cells and cause the development of malignant neoplasms.
Hot tea concept
Tea leaves are usually brewed in many countries of the world, including Russia. The aromatic drink tones, restores strength, disposes to friendly conversation and helps to collect thoughts.
Tea is considered hot if its temperature exceeds 60-650C. It is easy to burn yourself with such a drink, so opinions on its benefits differ.
Pros and cons of hot tea
The effect of a strong cup of tea can be compared to the invigorating effect of coffee. At the same time, a hot drink has a number of useful properties:
1. Reduces blood cholesterol levels.
2. Prevents the development of pathologies of the cardiovascular system and diabetes.
3. Normalizes blood pressure with hypotension.
4. Flavonoids are retained in the hot drink, which has an antioxidant effect.
5. Strengthens bone tissue.
6. Promotes the elimination of toxins from the body.
7. Green tea is able to slow down the development of oncological processes. The drink is especially effective with a predisposition to colon and epidermal cancer.
But the regular use of roasting tea often leads to negative consequences:
• destruction of tooth enamel;
• injury to the mucous membrane of the larynx, esophagus and throat;
• destruction of nerve nodes and the development of cancer;
• increasing the susceptibility of the oral cavity to infection;
• chronic cough, sore throat.
How to drink hot tea
A hot drink can do both good and bad. It depends on the state of health of the person, the amount of liquid drunk, as well as the observance of the traditions of tea drinking.
Daily use
A healthy person can sometimes afford a cup of warming drink. But in no case should you drink boiling water in one gulp. The fragrant infusion should be enjoyed slowly, taking small sips. In this case, the negative impact on the body will be minimized.
It is important to drink exclusively freshly brewed tea. After standing, the tea leaves not only lose their beneficial properties, but also become unhealthy.
It has been proven that the consumption of more than 700 ml of hot tea per day leads to serious consequences. Therefore, even in the absence of contraindications, one should not abuse the scalding infusion.
For children
Black tea is not recommended for children under 1.5-2 years of age. After this age, you can give the child 150 ml of a weak infusion no more than 4 times a week. In green tea, the concentration of caffeine is higher, so acquaintance with it should be postponed until 10-11 years.
For babies over 1 month old, special tea drinks are produced based on herbs, fruits and berries. They calm the nervous system, speed up falling asleep and normalize digestion. Tea intended for a child should be cooled to 50 0C. A hot drink can burn the crumbs' stomach and damage the enamel of the teeth.
With angina
Common symptoms of sore throat are throat redness, fever, and intoxication. To help the body cope with the disease, it is necessary to follow the drinking regimen.
Hot drinks with angina should be discarded, otherwise you can burn the sore throat and aggravate the course of the disease. Too cold tea is also harmful, the liquid should be warm, about 40 ° C. To know more click the button below.